can you feel it?

i'm feel so empty now...
all my light like disappear...
are in my mind...

can you feel it?

50 ways to cope with stress

get up 15 minutes earlier.
prepare for the morning the night before.
don't rely on your memory;write things down.
repair things taht don't work properly.
make duplicate keys.
say ''no'' more often.
set priorities in your life.
avoid negative people.
always make copies of important papers.
ask for help with the jobs you dislike.
break large tasks into bite sized portions.
look at problem as challenges.
smile more.
be prepared for rain.
schedule a play time into every day.
avoid tight fitting clothes.
take a bubble bath.
believe in you.
visualize  yourself winning.
develop a sense of humour.
stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today.
have goals for yourself.
say hello to a stranger.
look up at the stars.
practise breathing slowly.
do brand new things.
stop a bad habit.
take stock of your achievements.
do it today.
strive for excellence,not perfection.
look at a work of art.
maintain your weight.
plant a tree.
stand up and stretch.
always have a plan B.
learn a new doodle.
learn to meet your own needs.
become a better listener.
know your limitations and let others know them too.
throw a paper airplane.
exercise averyday.
get to work early.
clean out one closet.
take a diffrent route to work.
leave work early(with permission).
remember you always have options.
quit trying to "fix" other people.
get enough sleep.
praise other people.
relax,take each day at a time.
you have the rest of your life to live.

good guys

8 things a great guy would do

makes you smile when you're down

gives you a goodbye kiss even when your friends are watching

holds your hands in a perfect time

be funny but knows when to be serious

reacts so cutely when you hit him though it actually hurts

stares at you when he thinks you don't notice

gets a little jealous sometimes but know he's the one you love

wait for an hour just to spend a minute with you

yeah...finally i find my mr.right...he is a great guy who i had ever matter how,i will love you till the end!love you more and more...


thanks to those who hated me
you made me a stronger person...

thanks to those who envied me
you made my self-esteem increase...

thanks to those who left
you taught me that nothing last forever...

thanks to those who entered my life
you made me who i am today...

thanks to those who cared me
you made me feel important...

thanks to those who stayed
you showed me the true meaning of friendship...

thanks to those who loved me
you made my heart grow fonder...
dear,i love you...

a lovely photo

coebe became a guai lui today~after taking lunch at grandma's home,straight go tesco buy some vege with my da sao and popo...keke!
they were busy choosing their potatoes and tomato!haha

dong gu^^

who ate this before??
after that,we ate again at mcd..haha

yummy~yummy~my ice-cream^^
i was very tired today...faster get back to home...then i took a nap~i was surprised when i woke up!i received a mms from my dear!what he sent for me?what is that?ah ha....ah ha....haha...

he was cute!right???haha~he is bubu!he is my dear!he is my priceless treasure...i love him~and i really love this photo much!


hanging out with my miko yesterday...take dinner at kensington for celebrate her birthday~sorry ya...haven't give you a present yet...really hope you won't mind^^ least we having mcd on 4th june 2010 at T1~remember this...our sweet memory!xixi

walao~my tongue very long a!!!

haiyo~everytime block your face~saya dah marah liao...

38 tomato

its me

ini sudah edit by

i love bubu
bubu love me

miko,you're my pleasure

miko, please attention here!!!
i want to share something here with you..
firstly,thanks a lot...because you really inspire me in many ways~despite is just a little advise,but i will always keep on my mind...i'm really thank you much!
secondly,thanks a lot...because you keep accompany me when i was lost...keep accompany me when i failure...keep accompany me when i was dejected...keep accompany me when i cried...everytime,you assist me back to my really help me a lot...
lastly,thanks a lot...because you had encourage me a keep telling me i'm not the loser...keep telling me must be confidence more...keep telling me must be courageous more...i know it!thanks!!!
you are my lovely jimui...sometimes you really like dull-witted...just like a shapo~really very are my pleasure...i feel comfort when share my things or my secret with you...i like that feeling!i'm really like that feel!do you still remember,both of us having fun on your bed?please don't forget our previous time...i will always put inside my heart~don't feel disgusting when heard this~miko,i love you...^^
now is my turn to encourage you...
-please don't despise yourself...
-please be confidence more,you are the best...
-please don't easy give up...
-please be courage more...
-please don't keep say you are worst...
-please forget the things had hurted you...
-please be determine more...
-please be stronger when face any problem...
-please don't pretend happy in front of me...
-please take care yourself...
-please thinking positively...
-please enjoy your lifez...
-please love coebe forever...
-please remember all above...

wish you all the best and...happy birthday!!!
hope you all the dream come true~and faster find a good boyfriend la~