time to recall

omg...i spend almost two and half hour to complete my accounting homework.oh no!i can't imagine that how slow am i now,just three simple questions..lastime i can even done it all in half an hour...i really feel time to recall back all my accouting thingy..MUST..

goodnight readers

should or shouldn't?

haiyoyo...should or shouldn't i?really confusing lots...but i made you dissapointed again at the end ...felt so guilty at this moment...sigh   sob sob T.t
  sorry my hubby boy...

hot hot hot!!!

nowaday weather in malaysia is extremely HOT!!!
HOT x100!!!
40 degree celsius~omfg...what a GOOD weather??
though i sitting inside aircon room, but i still can feel the hotness outside...
and hence i can't imagine my face became like a 80 years old ah po!!!ALLERGY!!!wth!!!grrrr....i hate you,ALLERGY!!you made me so so so so face just keep itchy and peeling...i can tell you honestly,non-stop itchy on my face!!!please try to imagine that uncomfortable i had...yet,my face turn very very "PINKYY" now...don't mistaken,it's not that pinky on baby skin...that is cause by allergy..
oh my lovely god,help me please....
i wanna show you my horror face...





actually this picture quite blur de...but you can compare the tone on my face with my hand or neck.cutie pinky right?!!!!!!and my face was super duper cracking!!!
i want my white face before...please give me back...

btw,i get some medicine and a cleanser from dermatologist...wheee,but i wanna stop using any toner for 3 months..ya,this is the instruction from,i must follow it..
hope my face can recover as quick as possible..nitez,my friendss and my hubby^^


 mr.ooi jin yi,please see this..and DO THIS ALL.
sometimes i'm acting don't know..

but the important is i love you..

i just too care about you..

please be with me as much as you can..

 sometimes i need some sweeties talk..
i love you just the way you are..

i just want to be your sexy baby..

in fact,i miss you all the time..

i'm a superwoman..

think for our future..

don't angry when i do this because i just a normal girl..


wheee...but you can't chase others girl..i'm a overbearing gf i know..

i want to be the special one in your heart..

this is your duty..

my hubby,do you understand all above??taaahaha...


imma so so so so tired.but i not willing to sleep now.why?why?why?!

hey,coebe.what are you thinking about now?!can you tell me?
yup.sure..i'm regretted
what happened?
i had made a wrong decision.
what is that?i would like to know about that.
hmmmmmm..actually i'm fine.don't just a small case.
why don't you tell me?
i'm really okay..
okay then.if you need a listener,i will always be there.
thank you so much.i appreciate lots!
i'm bored~
me too.
what to do now?sleep? earlier!
other than that.
i have no idea with this.but i think sleep is the best way now.

a fuxking bored conversation above between coebeA and coebeB.i know i'm cute.haha..

outside it was dark and there was no moon and stars could not be seen too.i wondered whether it will rain later..and i felt xxxxxx.(fill in the blank whatever you like,but in six character.)   :D

honestly,i'm GRUMPY now.someone should know why..