simple schedule of me.

It's the Last Friday Night in year 2011. But there is nothing special because I do the same thing right now, blogging. I want to blog out my simple 'schedule' for this whole year : )

JAN- Happy 2011. Be promoter at Lo Hong Ka.
FEB- Happy CNY everyone.
MAR- Sweet 18th.
APR- Planning where to study.
MAY- Be a SEGi student.
JUN- Start my new life in kota damansara.
JUL- Met some new friends.
AUG- Go through my first semester. Next, having a great gathering with my gang.
SEPT- Start my new semester.
OCT- Busy studying and challenging myself.
NOV- Rushing for all the assignment and make my first video.
DEC- Semester Break right now.( Gonna start my sem 3 on 9th of jan, OMFG!!!! )

Yay, I have briefly explain my schedule for this year. What is your comment? Ya, it's quite boring I know t.t 
To be frank to you, this year is full of boredom. I was like keep on study and study. But no regret for me. It's my life. I should love my life, appreciate what I have now. Guys, always be grateful that what you have. Though this year is full of bore but it's challenging too. I learned how to be a people that 'love' by others. Sometimes, I don't even know what should I say, what I shouldn't. But now I know. I had experienced in some case like what my mother always said, this society is full of cheat and lie. We can't even trust a people by theirs look. Well, I realized it now. Btw, I have to move on. I just wish to have a simple silly life. Spent my life with the one I loved, my family, my friends and my hubby, I Love You. All of you are really important to me, thanks for being my supporter, you guys kick off all of my darkness away. yeah : ) I'm so lucky.

Alright. That all for today. I wish to have a better tomorrow. A better 2012. A better life.

2012 is coming.

I'm now planning where to go in this coming saturday, yeap it's new year eve! I wish to countdown with my happy SH gang! They are awesome and amazing!!! I think i can't live without them, see~ how important they are.
Guys, get ready to say SAYURANA to 2011 and  say HELLO to 2012!!!

*I should stop here. MASK time. 
Gonna meet him tomorrow. cheerful. Good Night dude.


Can you just stop making fun like this way? I already mentioned for thousand times, I hate it. Damn. FML
I should persist the conversation, I shouldn't stop it. I must get to know all of it. And once again, I'm fear. I'm worried about the same damn thing, the thing that I keep buried inside.

*No matter how ,I just hope to be your "HP" forever.


Yes!!! It's the time to meet up all my buddies, my lovely 5P gang : ) Hang out with them tomorrow. Highly expectation! Especially my two babes, miss both of them so badly! Cant't wait to see them. 

Bought a new lens today, xenia brown. ^^

*Dear, I want to countdown with you. Want spend this SPECIAL day with you and do the thing like above at that day : p 
Goodnights, sweet dream people.

new hair color.

Yeap! Dye my hair already. One word to my stylist, awesome! I love it much. 
Okay okay, show you guys right now. Actually, this picture was kinda blur and can't show my hair color properly so will be upload more pictures soon. Stay tuned yea : )
taadaaaaaa, I really love it. : P

*It's me again. A simple girl. lol
Yet, I'm turn to be camwhore recently. Hope that you guys won't feel that I'm disgusting. Btw, thanks for the supporting. Nights : ) 

stay tuned.

It's a lonely night. I have nothing to do. Again, open my concert again. Sing whatever I like. But recently I addicted with a song, wish you were here by Arvil lavigne. Love the lyrics, love the melody and love the mv also. It's just like my feeling. In fact, I miss him badly. 
(What I'd do to have you here, I just wish you were here. ) 

*I'm going to dye my hair tomorrow. Will show you guys here. Stay tuned.
Goodnight world.

start holiday.

Finally, I have go through my semester 2. What should I say? Same words again. Time flies. lol 
What to do after finish my sem 2 final exam? yeih, sing k with my buddies : ) Feel excited when hang out with them, it was fun. And they are cool enough. ahaha
Let me show you guys the Christmas Theme, Ocean that decorated by One Utama Shopping Center. Actually, I'm not really like this theme. I prefer fairy tale. : )

See, many peepo are busy grabbing their xmas present for their beloved.

buddies : ) 

*Bought a new cloth for CNY today, but hope that I won't wear it before new year. Lalalala, 
  Yet, bought a special xmas gift for him. Hope him like it.
 Have a nice day.

recent me.

Have been long time didn't update my blog. Oh no! It's like a scrap yard now. Oooopzz
Btw, i have pass through my sem 2, hmmmmmm~ almost la. One more test left for me. After tomorrow will be my holiday yeah! What to do on my holiday? Shopping? Grab some new clothes for CNY? Hanging out? Meet up my old friends? Or do something insane? Like rob the bank, lol this might happen in my dream. 

*Christmas is around the corner. I want to spend my Christmas with him.
That all for today. Bye.