simple schedule of me.

It's the Last Friday Night in year 2011. But there is nothing special because I do the same thing right now, blogging. I want to blog out my simple 'schedule' for this whole year : )

JAN- Happy 2011. Be promoter at Lo Hong Ka.
FEB- Happy CNY everyone.
MAR- Sweet 18th.
APR- Planning where to study.
MAY- Be a SEGi student.
JUN- Start my new life in kota damansara.
JUL- Met some new friends.
AUG- Go through my first semester. Next, having a great gathering with my gang.
SEPT- Start my new semester.
OCT- Busy studying and challenging myself.
NOV- Rushing for all the assignment and make my first video.
DEC- Semester Break right now.( Gonna start my sem 3 on 9th of jan, OMFG!!!! )

Yay, I have briefly explain my schedule for this year. What is your comment? Ya, it's quite boring I know t.t 
To be frank to you, this year is full of boredom. I was like keep on study and study. But no regret for me. It's my life. I should love my life, appreciate what I have now. Guys, always be grateful that what you have. Though this year is full of bore but it's challenging too. I learned how to be a people that 'love' by others. Sometimes, I don't even know what should I say, what I shouldn't. But now I know. I had experienced in some case like what my mother always said, this society is full of cheat and lie. We can't even trust a people by theirs look. Well, I realized it now. Btw, I have to move on. I just wish to have a simple silly life. Spent my life with the one I loved, my family, my friends and my hubby, I Love You. All of you are really important to me, thanks for being my supporter, you guys kick off all of my darkness away. yeah : ) I'm so lucky.

Alright. That all for today. I wish to have a better tomorrow. A better 2012. A better life.