sweet day

today i spent a very sweet,nice and happy day with my dear,my babe miko,my babe charissa,ck and tomato^^today was really happy because i can meet with my dear...but he was not fully recover yet,still got a little bit sore throat...he kept cough and seem like listless for whole day...heartache
i love the time when we singing~we can shout out whatever we like...we did it...we enjoyed it!after singing,we are heading for movie^^unluckily,ck and charissa need back early so left we four guys~we see the "old cow vs tender grass",i'm really don't know how to enjoy the movie...because this movie kinda boring and meaningless...urgh!!!

felt excited when he praise me,he said :"you beautiful today!" i'm felt cheerful with this...i also enjoyed the moment when he hug me tight and kissed me..
i love him