sweet tuesday

early in the morning,sweet chat-chating,walking and exercising with my dear at city park..nice weather today,breezy day~don't need any sun block..after that,we took our breakfast..he changed his appetite today,no more two roti canai.but 1 roti canai and 1 chapatty.well,coebe had 1 roti it much..then 2 milo ice^^
get back to dear house..he took me go "dou feng".yeah he achieved my dream,i was the first passenger in his life even though he haven't get his license yet..wish dear pass his JPJ test this thursday..let's turn to our next him dye his hair.gatsby classic was cheap and easy to make it!after applied the coloring agent on your hair,just need waiting for 10 or 15 minutes.then go wash your hair!lastly,conditioner.smoothen your hair.(remember,the agent must apply uniformly on your hair)DONE!
yeah, him dry hair..i love the colour so much~nice dear..
next,had lunch with dear ,dear mom and dear daddy.i felt nervous because it was the first time i eating with his daddy and mummy..wash plate. felt full again
PPS time.watching pps with the moment when you by my side.thank you so muchie dear!
about 4 half something,yk asked dear for movie..get ready.bath and bla bla bla.goodbye to wawa~then we went to jusco..he movie-ing but i shopping..wheeeee~i buy some things today.1 eye shadow,2 nail-varnish(light blue and dark blue),1 make up remover,eye mask,eyelashes...i might buy a compact powder next time..enjoyed my shopping time^^by the way,today was a sweet day for it for you too??lastly,i will never ever forget today.what you done for me today,i will always keep inside my heart deeply.
driving without license..^^