simple schedule of me.

It's the Last Friday Night in year 2011. But there is nothing special because I do the same thing right now, blogging. I want to blog out my simple 'schedule' for this whole year : )

JAN- Happy 2011. Be promoter at Lo Hong Ka.
FEB- Happy CNY everyone.
MAR- Sweet 18th.
APR- Planning where to study.
MAY- Be a SEGi student.
JUN- Start my new life in kota damansara.
JUL- Met some new friends.
AUG- Go through my first semester. Next, having a great gathering with my gang.
SEPT- Start my new semester.
OCT- Busy studying and challenging myself.
NOV- Rushing for all the assignment and make my first video.
DEC- Semester Break right now.( Gonna start my sem 3 on 9th of jan, OMFG!!!! )

Yay, I have briefly explain my schedule for this year. What is your comment? Ya, it's quite boring I know t.t 
To be frank to you, this year is full of boredom. I was like keep on study and study. But no regret for me. It's my life. I should love my life, appreciate what I have now. Guys, always be grateful that what you have. Though this year is full of bore but it's challenging too. I learned how to be a people that 'love' by others. Sometimes, I don't even know what should I say, what I shouldn't. But now I know. I had experienced in some case like what my mother always said, this society is full of cheat and lie. We can't even trust a people by theirs look. Well, I realized it now. Btw, I have to move on. I just wish to have a simple silly life. Spent my life with the one I loved, my family, my friends and my hubby, I Love You. All of you are really important to me, thanks for being my supporter, you guys kick off all of my darkness away. yeah : ) I'm so lucky.

Alright. That all for today. I wish to have a better tomorrow. A better 2012. A better life.

2012 is coming.

I'm now planning where to go in this coming saturday, yeap it's new year eve! I wish to countdown with my happy SH gang! They are awesome and amazing!!! I think i can't live without them, see~ how important they are.
Guys, get ready to say SAYURANA to 2011 and  say HELLO to 2012!!!

*I should stop here. MASK time. 
Gonna meet him tomorrow. cheerful. Good Night dude.


Can you just stop making fun like this way? I already mentioned for thousand times, I hate it. Damn. FML
I should persist the conversation, I shouldn't stop it. I must get to know all of it. And once again, I'm fear. I'm worried about the same damn thing, the thing that I keep buried inside.

*No matter how ,I just hope to be your "HP" forever.


Yes!!! It's the time to meet up all my buddies, my lovely 5P gang : ) Hang out with them tomorrow. Highly expectation! Especially my two babes, miss both of them so badly! Cant't wait to see them. 

Bought a new lens today, xenia brown. ^^

*Dear, I want to countdown with you. Want spend this SPECIAL day with you and do the thing like above at that day : p 
Goodnights, sweet dream people.

new hair color.

Yeap! Dye my hair already. One word to my stylist, awesome! I love it much. 
Okay okay, show you guys right now. Actually, this picture was kinda blur and can't show my hair color properly so will be upload more pictures soon. Stay tuned yea : )
taadaaaaaa, I really love it. : P

*It's me again. A simple girl. lol
Yet, I'm turn to be camwhore recently. Hope that you guys won't feel that I'm disgusting. Btw, thanks for the supporting. Nights : ) 

stay tuned.

It's a lonely night. I have nothing to do. Again, open my concert again. Sing whatever I like. But recently I addicted with a song, wish you were here by Arvil lavigne. Love the lyrics, love the melody and love the mv also. It's just like my feeling. In fact, I miss him badly. 
(What I'd do to have you here, I just wish you were here. ) 

*I'm going to dye my hair tomorrow. Will show you guys here. Stay tuned.
Goodnight world.

start holiday.

Finally, I have go through my semester 2. What should I say? Same words again. Time flies. lol 
What to do after finish my sem 2 final exam? yeih, sing k with my buddies : ) Feel excited when hang out with them, it was fun. And they are cool enough. ahaha
Let me show you guys the Christmas Theme, Ocean that decorated by One Utama Shopping Center. Actually, I'm not really like this theme. I prefer fairy tale. : )

See, many peepo are busy grabbing their xmas present for their beloved.

buddies : ) 

*Bought a new cloth for CNY today, but hope that I won't wear it before new year. Lalalala, 
  Yet, bought a special xmas gift for him. Hope him like it.
 Have a nice day.

recent me.

Have been long time didn't update my blog. Oh no! It's like a scrap yard now. Oooopzz
Btw, i have pass through my sem 2, hmmmmmm~ almost la. One more test left for me. After tomorrow will be my holiday yeah! What to do on my holiday? Shopping? Grab some new clothes for CNY? Hanging out? Meet up my old friends? Or do something insane? Like rob the bank, lol this might happen in my dream. 

*Christmas is around the corner. I want to spend my Christmas with him.
That all for today. Bye.


reddy reddy

Omg, reddish day again. Do you know what i mean? It's killing me, PAIN! My tummy was calling S.O.S right now help..Nothing can do also, just lying on bed and let it..sob sob

Though i at my hometown now, but i miss them much! That two sopoh, icy siow and ashley chin and my housemate too! Miss the time we singing, shouting, screaming, crazying or some else!!! I MISS YOU ALL.
Btw, i want to enjoy my happy holiday. Friends, here i come! Date me anytime, if u need me.^^

It's so sweet.

Sweet chatting with my hubby just now.
He: Dear, all my friend curious that you are my first gf.
Me: Why?
He: Coz all of them gone through few relationships before that.
Me: So?
He: So, i want to break up with you.
Me: Okay. Fed-up ing (end the call)

After a few seconds, a message twink twink** 


I love this sentence, really love it.

move on

Woah~ My accouting test already over. No more stress like before. Feel very relax now. Though left one test, but i feel like not to bothered about the test, because that is lame subject Malaysian Studies. I would like to hang out with my friend. Yeah!

*Dear, i miss you so much. Goodnight. Rest more because your voice told me that you really exhausted. Anyway, goodluck.

Looking for sem break.

Time flies. One more week to go is my semester break. Yeah! But i'm taking my exam now, my ECONS test already 'spoiled'. The question were really difficult and out of my expectation. Sigh. Anyway, it's over, i think i must focus more on my next three tests. Yet tomorrow will be my QM test, stress! Please don't out of  my expectation again. PLEASE..

*It's time to bed. Goodnight my supporter and my hubby. Dear, must win in tournament tomorrow! Muackz

I hate that feeling.

Recently, i found that many people that surrounding me mostly are hypocritical. I just like a fool playing by them, cheating by them. They pretend to be good, nice, and friendly. They can even do many things just to please you, but slander you at the end. I really feel dissapointed with those bastard. I treated you as my friend, care about you, concern about you, but what you did at the end? You slander me! I'm not to angry you here, but i hate you. Because you are too terrible to me.

Lovely weekend

Finally, i met him. Yes, he is my beloved hubby. He overnight at my place. I'm excited. First, we were dating at 1utama, took our brunch at Kimgary. He bought me a set of cute earrings. After this, he bought some ingredients for dinner tomorrow. Then, home sweet home.

I can feel the happiness when i open my eyes and awake in the morning, because he is beside to me. Yet,the first thing to do is kiss him and hug him as tight as i can, i love you my dear. I love this kind of life. I wish to do the same thing everyday.
My dear is such a good chef, but this chef just belong to me. Nicely spaghetti for our dinner. But after dinner, he turn to be a doctor. Lol. His homemade medicine, lime + soy sauce could cure sore throat. Guys, you can try this if you are having little sore throat. ^^
Then, it's our movie time, CAPTAIN AMERICAN. Quite nice.
I wondered why he keep say the same word when he fall sleep. But actually the words are quite sweet.

Today is Sunday, my fucking mind tell me that he have to leave today. I'm sad about this. Dear, when we say goodbye, my heart start missing you. I want you by my side everytime though i know all of this are impossible. Lastly, i wish i can meet you as soon as possible because i do miss you very much.

please bring me to friday...

i hope this friday come faster

just because of want to see you!!!!


i love you my hubby~love the way you hug's so secure and warm!!!muackz...


when you have something you really love but it causes you pain,God is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it.


12.00 AM now...the purpose i post this is want to tell you that I MISS YOU..

i'm too free i know,wakaka~accounting test tomorrow..goodluck for myself...and also my presentation on thursday..

3 words

oh no...i'm really sleepy now...gonna meet my 'dream man' later..
but,i' still thinking about the point of my presentation next week..fed up-ing...can't find a good point..!!!why?no matter how,no give up..
yet,many assignments are waiting for me....grrr~~~S.O.S
economics test on friday somemore...kill me please..

btw,three words--NO GIVE UP
*it's time to sleep...
goodnight friends and hubby(P.S.for my hubby only,muackzZ)

go ahead my hubby

P.S.look at his face,so cute

it's a lovely friday,i went back to my hometown with my dear.after that,we're planning have a movie at night,Super 8.not bad not bad.
we took our supper at kensington before movie..we had CHICKEN LASAGNE and it's very nice...even that is my first try,but i still remember the taste right now..if can,go and try guys~

i'm going to take a test in this tuesday and friday..QM and ECONS.i'm still nervous even i done all my revision and

answer:just go ahead!and take it easy!
dear,this answer for you also!gambetee!

*sometimes i really don't know what was going on it my word hurted you again?so you feel moody or else?please tell me if i do that.

dear,i wish i can be the one who makes you happy,but not the one you have strive to please

i'm hurt.very

i know you really hurt badly this time and dissapointed,i only realize that i didn't care about your feeling..
i hurted you in many ways but the way i hurt you just because of i love you too much..i really love you..


告诉你,不管你怎么想,在未来的日子里 我只会更爱更爱你 直到我俩停止呼吸的那一天

time to recall

omg...i spend almost two and half hour to complete my accounting homework.oh no!i can't imagine that how slow am i now,just three simple questions..lastime i can even done it all in half an hour...i really feel time to recall back all my accouting thingy..MUST..

goodnight readers

should or shouldn't?

haiyoyo...should or shouldn't i?really confusing lots...but i made you dissapointed again at the end ...felt so guilty at this moment...sigh   sob sob T.t
  sorry my hubby boy...

hot hot hot!!!

nowaday weather in malaysia is extremely HOT!!!
HOT x100!!!
40 degree celsius~omfg...what a GOOD weather??
though i sitting inside aircon room, but i still can feel the hotness outside...
and hence i can't imagine my face became like a 80 years old ah po!!!ALLERGY!!!wth!!!grrrr....i hate you,ALLERGY!!you made me so so so so face just keep itchy and peeling...i can tell you honestly,non-stop itchy on my face!!!please try to imagine that uncomfortable i had...yet,my face turn very very "PINKYY" now...don't mistaken,it's not that pinky on baby skin...that is cause by allergy..
oh my lovely god,help me please....
i wanna show you my horror face...





actually this picture quite blur de...but you can compare the tone on my face with my hand or neck.cutie pinky right?!!!!!!and my face was super duper cracking!!!
i want my white face before...please give me back...

btw,i get some medicine and a cleanser from dermatologist...wheee,but i wanna stop using any toner for 3 months..ya,this is the instruction from,i must follow it..
hope my face can recover as quick as possible..nitez,my friendss and my hubby^^


 mr.ooi jin yi,please see this..and DO THIS ALL.
sometimes i'm acting don't know..

but the important is i love you..

i just too care about you..

please be with me as much as you can..

 sometimes i need some sweeties talk..
i love you just the way you are..

i just want to be your sexy baby..

in fact,i miss you all the time..

i'm a superwoman..

think for our future..

don't angry when i do this because i just a normal girl..


wheee...but you can't chase others girl..i'm a overbearing gf i know..

i want to be the special one in your heart..

this is your duty..

my hubby,do you understand all above??taaahaha...


imma so so so so tired.but i not willing to sleep now.why?why?why?!

hey,coebe.what are you thinking about now?!can you tell me?
yup.sure..i'm regretted
what happened?
i had made a wrong decision.
what is that?i would like to know about that.
hmmmmmm..actually i'm fine.don't just a small case.
why don't you tell me?
i'm really okay..
okay then.if you need a listener,i will always be there.
thank you so much.i appreciate lots!
i'm bored~
me too.
what to do now?sleep? earlier!
other than that.
i have no idea with this.but i think sleep is the best way now.

a fuxking bored conversation above between coebeA and coebeB.i know i'm cute.haha..

outside it was dark and there was no moon and stars could not be seen too.i wondered whether it will rain later..and i felt xxxxxx.(fill in the blank whatever you like,but in six character.)   :D

honestly,i'm GRUMPY now.someone should know why..


而我相信  我会幸福


1 永远不说不可能
2 凡事第一应找方法,不是找借口
3 养成记录习惯,不太依赖脑袋
4 每天出门照镜子,给自己自信的微笑
5 每天自我反省
6 用心倾听,不打断别人的话,做个倾听高手
7 节俭定期存钱
8 遵守诚信,说到做到
9 时刻微笑待人处事
10 开会坐前排


PS.dear,do you want to marry me?my answer will same as my TITLE.
recommend by my's a nice and sweet song.first time heard this song when we were heading to pd last tuesday.sorry to my readers because didn't update for that are some pictures on that day...wheeee
nice view right?first time felt that pd is a nice place.haha~~~btw,i wish we can go there again.breezy weather...sunshine...seabeach...seashells...sunset...all i love!

time boy will start his college life at 3rd of may at tar so so fast~two weeks about me?16th of may is my turn!i'm study at SEGi UC,kota brain,my heart,all my body cells full with expectation now...wheeee..but feel scared also~don't know why...what i can do now is just let it be...

to be continue on tomorrow~stay tuned...nights.


having fun today.while i sign in my skype,then meng call me...i thought he no class today..but actually THEY have class but class start at 2pm...who them???charissa,ck,meng,kin mern and brandon...four of them visit brandon's house!!yet,brand house was so so so so SO BIG!!!i hope i have a house like him...
baby boy was busy-ing with his job this few miss him..coebe shouted:"dear,i miss you so much!!!do you?"haha..i also busy prepare my college things..i received a message today.content(Dear student,kindly collect your offer letter at the Student Service counter,Level 1,SEGi UC.blablablablablablabla~~)i need to take the letter as fast as possible.i am so "lucky".why?all because of you,NATIONAL SERVICE!should i attend the camp for two weeks then come out or postpone it?


PS.lazy make up again
coebe,you think you so cute ar?har?!
ya..i'm cute!do you think so?

nothing to do when waiting my dear da bao for his grandmother,so take some photos.

my lovely spaghetti
my beloved bubu cook for me's really nice and sweet somemore.

wawa you are so so so so cute
dear and wawa sent me home.wawa was sitting nicely in the whole journey.
today was a quite boring post.btw,just post it..
lastly,today was a happy sunday.

collagen powder drink make up in this picha..
hello,people..coebe here again.long time didn't update my blogger..i want to share something with you girls.recently,i was taking collagen powder drink..there were a lot of advantages by taking collagen.
the advantages of collagen :
♦ Boosts Collagen Production naturally

(especially beneficial for sufferers of stickler syndrome)

♦ Revitalises, rejuvenates and regenerates skin

♦ Smooths fine lines and wrinkles, increasing the skin's elasticity

♦ Regenerates lean muscle mass thus improving circulation

♦ Dramatically strengthens nails and hair follicles

♦ Reduces arthritic pain and stiffness in joints and muscles

♦ Strengthens cartilage and connective tissue

♦ Helps to carry oxygen through the body

♦ Naturally detoxifies

♦ Helps lose inches where needed and reduce fat mass

♦ Improves the immune system

♦ Improves endurance and vitality

♦ Improves sleep

see~so many benefits!i had took the collagen powder drink for  almost 15days only and i feel my skin turn more fair,whiter and improve face pores become smaller and less.yet,my hair turn to soft and silky... it's really WORK!!!
if anyone who interested with the collagen powder drink..can leave a message in my chatbox or send an email for me.

friend vs bestfriend

friend*have never seen you cry
bestfriend*has always had the best shoulder to cry on

friend*never ask for anything to eat or drink
bestfriend*opens the fridge and make herself at home

friend*ask you to write down your number
bestfriend*asks you for their number

friend*borrow your stuff for a few days and then give it back
bestfriend*has a closet full of your stuff

friend*only know a few things about you
bestfriend*could write a biography of you life story

friend*will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
bestfriend*will always go with you

i do love my best friends ever,
miko and coey

share share(很多情侣都败给了距离)



我哭了呢,抱着手机哭倦了睡过又醒了,你在忙吗 ?




慢慢的,能说的话只有空洞的 ‘我想你’ 。

我在努力找话题呢,不要回信说 ‘哦、嗯、好’ 了好吗 ?



你在哪、和谁、在干什么 ?


你身边的莺莺燕燕,一如我身边的花花草草吗 ?










你也是吧 ?



我兴冲冲地发短信给你讲刚刚的趣事,你隔了半天说 ‘噢’,












一个人站在夜空下时,你会抬头看月亮吗 ?















dear already came back's really a big great gift for me..i appreciate lots..he resigned the he was planning to get another job in seremban.wheee~we don't need separate..the next day he came back,we had our movie "great day".i think that movie not really nice but funny lar..keke..after that,dear sent me back home..

sweet sms-ing with him just now..and i promised him must eat more and more as i can..yet, i wanted to be the perfect one in your heart!i swear!


no title

Dear, I'm really miss you.


having dinner with jason today.long time no see him..he did changed alot..and the most important,he became smart and leng zai..haha!we kept chatting and talking nonsense..well,he treat me eat today.thank you so much!next time my turn.i'm really felt sympathy for him because he just have half an hour break time and need to stand for whole day even there were no customer..pity him.the most bad one,his supervisor sot blak de,ask him don't talk so much with me because both shop of us had customer problem before.wth!rubbish!superfluous words!purple cane sells tea while my shop sell bird nest.have any connection or link mie?don't even know why her mind so so so childish..okay,stop this conversation.

i'm gonna dye my hair soon..but still confusing with the colour now.i might get a nice colour which suit for me..^^any suggestion?well,i should enjoy my life and work harder to earn more money..btw,goodluck for dear again.i do pray everytime for you.

ooi jin yi

cheers up!today was a great day for me because i sold three hampers!total RM850++.whee,i can get more was a good beginning for,i'm dare to serve customers by talking nonsense,just bla bla bla.haha.i love you,ah teach me lots!though you are serious sometimes but i know you are acting serious because you're supervisor..yet,i like to see your smily face^^

when i on the escalator to the way of toilet,i can even saw a sweet couple in front of me.the boy hold his gf tight while his gf too..i stare at their hand and thinking about you again,ooi jin yi.i damn regret that i didn't let you hold my hand on the last day we met!ish!!btw,i do hug little bubu tight tight everynight and miss you every single minute.ganbatee for your training!


my sharing time again
dear calling me just now.i'm glad with that because finally he free and can chat with him for a while.he will start training tomorrow from 2pm till so so long!like my working time.i think he will be very tired after training for so long.then,i get a bad news.dear said he have 4 off days only..sad T.T
once again,i cheated myself and you.i'm trying to pretend nothing and fact,i'm really mind with that..mind to heard about that!
well, should be open minded!!ya~i should working harder instead of thinking too much..last,remember all the things jessy telling you,it's good for you!


dear go genting this morning.ya,don't know when we can meet.i'm looking for that day and waiting for you..i'm thinking lots and lots today.thinking about you,thinking about us..really miss more msn,skype,webcam with you from now on..the most fuxk-cannot sms to you before i have to sleep even just a short goodnight sweet dream or somelse because you scare disturb your roomate.wth!well,nevermind..i won't disturb them.goodnight to my dearest hubby,wish you all the best and successful on your job.miss you ya.


happy new year 2011 to all my dear friends.2010 was ended so let us enjoy our 2011.i started my part time job on 1/1/11(4 one) at JUSCO LO HONG KA.i can saw many bird's nest everyday from now on..make me's okay,i can tahan won't curi curi makan.btw it was really bored when work because few customer only..make me sleepy sometimes..yet,i must memorize those function and flavour of the goods so that i can serve customer next time like my senior.they are so geng.well,i must learn from them!

btw,my dear also want start working jo.but he work at genting highland casino so we can't meet almost 1 month or 3 weeks.we just can contact by phone or internet.fml dear will go there at this wednesday so i think today was the last day we met before he goes there.i appreciate the time we spent even i out of mood today.because i really ng xe dak nei ar dear..i know i am useless again because i still can't handle well such case..coebe,take it easy.hubby bubu keep tam me today and he promised send me a gift after he get the salary.i was excited when heard that and highly expectation with the gift..muahaha.

lastly,i just want to say.dear,take good care yourself every single must sleep well,eat full don't be hungry,drink more water,eat panadol when fall sick,wear jacket,coat when feel cold,keep your money well well and and and bla bla can find me anytime when you feel want to chat or hp will be on9 24hours.promise a things,EVERYNIGHT when you have to sleep,please give me a call,at least a message so that let me know you are always there...